AJ2001 Page 1
AJ2001 - Tuesday 2nd Janaury to Saturday 13th Janaury 2001 Cataract Scout Park, NSW, Australia
Sunday 3rd December, Waiting for the boat to cross to Camp Windeyer, Jamboree Preparation Day
Tuesday 2nd Janaury 2001, Tambo AJ2001
Tuesday 2nd January, On the Bus, Move in Day AJ2001
Troop 723 Setting up camp
Troop 723 Ready to leave
Market Day Tuesdsay 9th Janaury 2001, Gambling in action
Troop 723's Campsite
Scott can't believe his eyes! Playing Uno with Zac and Drew
Opening Cermony Thursday 4th Janaury 2001, (left to right) Kristen, Lauren, Mike and James
Gateway to to Troop 723's Campsite
Scout Leaders Jason and Kristen from 1st Tambourine Bay
Final Moments, Closing Ceremony Madness