1st Tambourine Bay Sea Scouts
Survivor Camp 2004 Page 2
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10th to 12th September

Congratulations to Volcano Tribe (1st Place), Tsunami Tribe (2nd Place), Tornado Tribe (3rd Place) & Atomic Tribe (Leaders) for all your effort & enthusiasm at Survivor Camp.

The very popular Stomp-pede Challenge

Sunday Lunch involved swapping Tribe members and the fun Survivor Auction

The blind leading the blind challenge was a big laugh

"Anyone for Pig's Blood?", It was really milk, raspberry cordial & red food colour

The Final Challenge was "When it rains it realy pours", the winners lasted 18 minutes!

The Atomic Tribe at the end of a fantastic Survivor Camp, B-R-A-V-O-O-O!

Survivor Camp 2004 was a great success, and may become an annual event with more Tribes from more Troops in the District...